Procurement department


Procurement department 採購部


n. 取得, 獲得, 採購


n. 部門


Primary buying motive 原始購買動機
Primary central market 主要中央市場
Primary data 初級資料
Primary market 主要市場
Primary source 主要來源
Primary-demand advertising 產品需求廣告
Primary-demand stimulation 產品需求刺激
Principles of consumer cooperatives 消費者合作原則
Private brands 私有品牌(中間商品牌)
Processing privileges 加工特權
Procurement department 採購部
Producer satisfaction 生產者之滿意度
Producer's risk 生產者風險
Producers 生產者
Producers' goods 生產財
Product abandonment 產品廢棄
Product adaptation 產品適應
Product analysis 產品分析
Product and communications extension 產品及溝通延伸
Product appeals 產品訴求

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