Promotional assistance


Promotional assistance 推廣協助


a. 增進的, 晉升的, 促銷的, 獎勵的


n. 協助, 幫助, 援助


Profitability estimate 獲利力估計
Program analyzer 程式分析員
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT.) 計畫評核術
Project planning decisions 方案規劃決策
Promoting and selling 推廣與銷售
Promotion 推廣
Promotion experimentation 推廣實驗
Promotion opportunity 推廣機會
Promotion strategy 推廣策略
Promotional activities 推廣活動
Promotional assistance 推廣協助
Promotional competition 推廣性競爭
Promotional decision game 推廣決策競賽
Promotional decisions 推廣決策
Promotional discounts 推廣折扣
Promotional effectiveness 推廣效果
Promotional games 推廣競賽
Promotional mix 推廣組合
Promotional objectives 推廣目標
Promotional orientation 推廣導向

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