Repetitive buying


Repetitive buying 重覆購買


a. 重複的, 反覆的, 嘮叨的


n. 購買, 買入


Regional shopping center 地區購物中心
Regional Wholesaler 地區批發商
Register marks 註冊商標
Regulation of advertising 廣告規則
Regulation of products 產品規則
Regulation of selling 推銷規則
Religious organization marketing 宗教組織行銷
Remarketing 重行銷
Reminder advertising 提醒性廣告
Reminder impulse buying 提醒性衝動購買
Repetitive buying 重覆購買
Replacement demand 重置需求
Replacing economics 重置經濟
Representative sample 代表樣本
Repurchase rate 再購率
Resale price 轉售價
Resale price maintenance 再售價的維持
Research design 研究設計
Research facilities 研究設施
Reseller 轉售者

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