purchase motivation study


purchase motivation study 購買動機研究


vt. 購買, 贏得, 獲得, 努力取得 n. 購買, 購買品, 緊握, 絞轆


n. 動機, 刺激, 推動, 積極性


vi. 學習 vt. 學習 n. 學習


Psychological and physical buying motives 心理及生理的購買動機
Psychological law of suggestion selling 建議銷售的心理法則
Psychological segmentation 心理區隔
Psychological tests 心理測試
Public environment 公共環境
Public sector 公共部門
Public service 公共服務
Public transportation 公共運輸
Purchase behavior 購買行為
Purchase discounts 購買折扣
purchase motivation study 購買動機研究
Purchase transition matrix 購買轉移矩陣
Purchase-probability surveys 購買機率調查
Purchasing 採購
Purchasing agents 採購代理商
Purchasing function 採購功能
Purchasing managers 採購經理
Purchasing officer 採購人員
Purchasing performance 採購績效
Purchasing power 購買力

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